What if we would see human rights as something we do rather than a legal concept?
I am more than happy to announce the publication of Applied Human Rights (Wageningen Academic Publishers). The chapters are written by an international group of 27 leading experts in a wide range of disciplines and themes, including technology development, social studies, pedagogy, business strategy, public governance, the arts, philosophy and law. I had the honour to work with Bernd Van der Meulen, Purabi Bose, Maike Kooijmans, Jeroen Pouw MSc, Dana Feringa, Manon van Hoeckel, Daniëlle Arets, Kornelia Dimitrova, Roberta Vaznyte, Melchior van Velzen, Isa Dantuma, Wouter Sluis-Thiescheffer, Frederick Bruneault, Andréane Sabourin Laflamme, Marieke van Vliet – van der Graaff, Jo-An Kamp, Devid Ilievski, Serkan Emeni, Michael Mulvey, Brishna Nader, Margot Cooijmans, Dilana Schaafsma, PhD, Emile Kolthoff, Janine Janssen, Sylvia Sanders and Eveline van Zeeland (Dr.). Thank you Mike Jacobs and marijn van der gaag for the excellent publishing work!
The book is available open access through this link: Applied human rights (wageningenacademic.com)